Insurance And Billing Info


The healthcare providers of Vidalia Medical Associates, PC, and the Endoscopy Center of Southeast Georgia, Inc., are participants in numerous insurance plans and medical networks such as these listed below. ALWAYS check with your insurance company to make sure our providers participate with your plan. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding our participation in your insurance plan.

  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield IBG
  • United Healthcare 
  • SouthCare
  • Great West PHCS
  • 1st Medical Network CCN
  • One Health
  • First Health Aetna

We also participate in Medicare and accept referrals for Medicaid recipients.

As a convenience, we will file your insurance for you. It is the responsibility of the patient to provide complete and accurate insurance information. The deductible and/or co-payment is due in full at time of service. Any balance unpaid or denied by the insurance carrier is the responsibility of the insured. 


Periodically, we ask our Medicare patients for their insurance card(s), so that we may verify and document your Medicare information and any current secondary insurance coverage. On all covered charges, Medicare will normally pay 80% of the participating provider's fee schedule (100% for approved laboratory charges). We will bill the remaining 20% of the charges to your secondary insurance. If a patient does not have secondary coverage, they will be responsible for payment of this 20% at the time of service. Also, if Medicare determines that a claim is for a non-covered service or the beneficiary has exceeded their annual benefit for a specific service, such as an EKG, the patient will be expected to provide payment for this service (with a properly executed Medicare Waiver form on file with our office). All Medicare patients are subject to an annual deductible for physician services, which must be paid at the time of service. We will submit all patient charges directly to Medicare and your secondary carrier from our billing office.

Medicare patients/beneficiaries can contact Cahaba Government Benefit Administrators, which is the Medicare Part B Carrier for the State of Georgia, for assistance with claims processing and reimbursement issues. 

Cahaba GBA Contact Information:
Toll-free Customer Service Line from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday: 
Offices: 12052 Middleground Road Suite A, Savannah, Georgia 31419.
Mailing address: Cahaba Government Benefit Administrators; P.O. Box 3018; Savannah, GA 31402-3018

If you become Medicare eligible and have other group insurance you MUST update your files with Medicare. This requires a phone call to 1-800-MEDICARE.

Georgia Medicare Part B
Georgia Medicare Part A

Patient Billing

Balances that are the patient's responsibility (usually co-insurance, deductibles, and non-covered services unknown at time of service) are collected at the time of service.  Any residual balances left after the insurance settles the claim will be billed to the patient with a monthly statement. Payment is expected upon receipt of the statement. 

Payment can be mailed using check or credit card information or paid at the office with cash, check, debit or credit card. VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, and AMERICAN EXPRESS are all accepted.

Our Financial Counselor is available to discuss any questions you may have concerning your insurance or your account.
For billing questions ONLY:

Vidalia Medical Associates, PC
Phone: 912-537-9853 x3026

The Endoscopy Center of Southeast Georgia, Inc
Phone: 912-538-1003