At The Endoscopy Center of Southeast Georgia, Inc Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Endoscopy is performed.


Enables your physician to examine the inside lining of your colon by direct visualization through a colonoscope, a thin lighted scope with a video camera. The examination allows your physician to detect any abnormalities within your colon such as colon polyps. This also allows your physician to remove or destroy these polyps before they have the opportunity to turn into cancer. The colonoscopy usually lasts for about 15-20 minutes and is generally well tolerated. You may experience some intermittent feeling of fullness, pressure or cramping sensation.

EGD (esophagogastroduodencocopy)

Enables your physician to examine the upper portion of your GI tract including the back of your throat, esophagus or “swallowing tube", stomach, and duodenum (first portion of your small intestines.) The passage of the EGD scope through the mouth and into your upper GI tract allows direct visualization of these areas for any abnormalities such as esophageal reflux disorder, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, polyps, or other abnormalities. Tissue biopsies can be taken if indicated with no discomfort to the patient.

Esophageal Dilations

Recurrent disorders such as esophageal reflux disease can cause strictures or narrowed areas in your esophagus. This technique allows your physician to dilate or stretch these narrowed areas back to normal diameter to allow proper passage of food.